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Give Your Children Hope

  • 47 Steps
  • 11 Participants


Do you face challenges daily on how to raise your children? Are you trying to prevent teenage drama? Maybe you want to help your child grow in faith, but you don’t know how? Do you seek Godly counsel but don't know where to find it? Research shows that children have a window of time to form their faith and belief system. What we teach our children during this period is what they will hold onto for the rest of their lives. As parents, we want to help our kids learn how to cope with life and its stressors more effectively. But how? Life as we know it is rapidly changing. We face challenges daily, asking ourselves, "What can I do?" Parents, you are not alone! "Give Your Children Hope" e-course on how to train your children in God's ways is taught by Sona Jamgotchian, a Certified Biblical Counselor; you will be taught three principles for building your child's faith in God that will have a lasting effect on their life. You will have the tools to answer your children’s questions about God and the Bible. You will also learn easy and practical steps to help your children cope with stress and be emotionally healthy. Sona has worked with children for 14 years and has experience working with them both one-on-one and in groups. This method that Sona will be teaching has been developed through years of working with children, seeing their needs, and has produced lasting effects. Do not miss out on this time window to build your children up. Click below to sign up. ‌ ‌

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